
Kiln compensator (Big-sized)

简单描述 _Simple Description:

储坯机是瓷砖全自动生产线中比较重要的一套辅助设备。因砖坯生产过程中,会不可避免的产生些人为或机械故障而造成生产停顿或空转的现象 , 并令 窑炉出现暂时空转而造成热能浪费及窑内温度急升而造成后面进窑的砖坯烧成出现大面积工艺缺陷。

This machine is an important auxiliary equipment of the fullyautomatic production line. During production, manmade or mechanical fault may occur, resulting in production stop or kiln idling and causing heat energy waste and inner temperature rise. Consequently, the following ceramic entering the kiln may be defective.